Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Add a Favorites ICON to SDE

    SDE ships with a favorites icon but it not actually referenced any where in the code. This is a very easy "HACK"  err fix that should take about 5 minutes with any text editor.

For the Staff interface here are the steps. (Don't forget to make a backup of the file.)
  1. Open windows explorer (ctrl+e) and navigate to the directory that SDE is installed to. 
    • The default location for 32 bit OS is C:\Program Files\BMC\Service Desk Express\Application Server
    • The default location fro 64 but OS is C:\Program Files (x86)\BMC\Service Desk Express\Application Server
  2. Find the file default.aspx and open it with your favorite text\code editor.
  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and find <body onload="CheckVersion()".
  4. Right above that you should see </HEAD> we need to put out code before that head tag.
  5. Insert a new line right before that </HEAD> and paste the following text.
    • <link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="fav.ico" />
  6. Save your changes and now staff will get a nice little favorite icon added to their links to SDE.

For the Client interface here are the steps. (Don't forget to make a backup of the file.)

  1. Open windows explorer (ctrl+e) and navigate to the directory that SDE is installed to. 
    • The default location for 32 bit OS is C:\Program Files\BMC\Service Desk Express\Self Service Desk
    • The default location fro 64 but OS is C:\Program Files (x86)\BMC\Service Desk Express\Self Service Desk
  2. Find the file default.asp and open it with your favorite text\code editor.
  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and find <BODY bgcolor="#f1f1f1" style="margin:0;.
  4. Right above that you should see </HEAD> we need to put out code before that head tag.
  5. Insert a new line right before that </HEAD> and paste the following text.
    • <link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="fav.ico" />
  6. Save your changes and now staff will get a nice little favorite icon added to their links to SDE.

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